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author: Akbar Rahman
date: \today
title: MMME2053 // Fatigue
tags: [ mmme2053, fatigue, materials, uni, engineering ]
uuid: 23852418-9fbb-44b8-a697-3c8b566e5143
# Stages of Fatigue
## 1: Crack Initiation
- happens on a micro-structural level
- causes the start fatigue cracks
- persistent slip bands form at the surface
- they are the result of dislocations moving along crystallographic planes
- leads to slip band intrusions and extrusions on the surface
- act as stress concentrations, **leading to crack initiation**A

- crystallographic slip is controlled by shear stresses rather than normal stresses
- therefore cracks tend to initially grow in a plane of maximum shear stress range
- this leads to short cracks, usually on the order of a few grains

## 2: Crack Propagation
- the fatigue cracks tend to join together with more cycles
- they grow along planes of maximum tensile stress

## 3: Final Fracture
- occurs when crack reaches critical length
- results in either
- ductile tearing (plastic collapse)
- cleavage (brittle fracture)
# Total Life Approach (Estimating Lifetime of a Part)
- based on lab tests
- carried out under controlled loading conditions
- either stress or strain controlled loading conditions
- performed on idealised specimens
- specimens usually have finely polished defects (minimises surface roughness effects, affecting
stage 1 crack initiation)
- tests give number of loading cycles to the initiation of a measurable crack as a function of
applied stress or strain parameters
- measurability is dictated by the accuracy of the crack detection method used
- this is typically between 0.75 mm to 1.00 mm
- the challenge of fatigue design is to then relate the tests to actual component lives under
real loading conditions
- traditionally, most fatigue testing was based stress controlled conditions with mean stress,
$S_m = 0$, which is known as a fully reversed load
- the data was presented in the form of S-N curves (either semi-log or log-log plots) of alternating
stress, $S_a$, against cycles to failure, $N$ (failure defined as fracture)

- figure \ref{fig:typical-s-n} contains schematic representations of two typical S-N curves
- part _(a)_ shows a continuously sloping curve
- part _(b)_ shows a discontinuity ("knee") in the curve---this is only found in a few materials
(notably low strength steels) between $10^6$ and $10^7$ cycles under non-corrosive conditions

- the curves are normally drawn through the median life value
- therefore represent 50 percent expected failure
- fatigue strength, $S_e$, is a hypothetical value of stress range at failure for exactly $N$ cycles
as obtained from an S-N curve
- fatigue limit (or endurance limit) is the limiting value of the median fatigue strength as $N$
becomes very large ($>10^8$)
# Effect of Mean Stress
- mean stress has a significant effect on fatigue behaviour in cyclically loaded components
- in figure \ref{fig:effect-of-mean-stress} you can see tensile mean stresses reduce fatigue life
- compressive stresses increase fatigue life

- effect of mean stress commonly represented as a plot of $S_a$ against $S_m$ for a given fatigue
- attempts have been made to generalise the relationship, as shown in figure \ref{fig:s_a-s_m}

- modified Goodman line assumes linear relationship, where gradient and intercept are defined by
fatigue life, $S_e$, and material UTS, $S_u$, respectively
- Gerber parabola employs same intercepts but relationship is a parabola
- Soderberg line assumes linear relationship but the x intercept (mean axis end point) is taken
as yield stress, $S_y$
- these curves can be extended into the compressive mean stress region to give increasing allowable
alternating stress with increasing compressive mean stress
- this is normally taken to be horizontal for design purposes and conservatism
# Effect of Stress Concentrations
- fatigue failure is most commonly associated with notch-type features
- stress concentrations associated with notch-type features typically leads to local plastic strain
and eventually fatigue cracking
- the estimation of stress concentration factors (SCFs) are typically expressed in terms of an
elastic SCF, $K_t$:
$$K_t = \frac{\sigma^{\text{el}}_{\text{max}}}{\sigma_{\text{nom}}}$$
- the fatigue strength of a notched component can be predicted with the fatigue notch factor, $K_f$,
which is defined as the ratio of the fatigue strengths:
$$K_f= \frac{S_a^{\text{smooth}}}{S_a^{\text{notch}}}$$
> i thought $S_a$ is alternating stress and $S_e$ is fatigue strength but the
> [uni slides](./lecture_slides/fatigue_and_failure_1.pdf) (slide 18) say otherwise :sob:
> TODO: find out what it's meant to be for sure
- however $K_f$ is found to vary with both alternating stress level and mean stress level and thus
number of cycles
- figure \ref{fig:effect-of-notch} shows the effect of a notch, with $K_t = 3.4$, on the fatigue
behaviour of wrought aluminium alloy

# S-N Design Procedure for Fatigue
- constant life diagrams plotted as $S_a$ against $S_m$ (also known as Goodman diagrams)
(figure \ref{fig:goodman-diagram}) can be used in design to give safe estimates of fatigue life
and loads

- the fatigue strength for zero mean stress is is reduced by the fatigue notch factor, $K_f$
- $K_t$ is used if $K_f$ is not known
- for static loading of a ductile component with a stress concentration, failure still occurs
when mean stress, $S_m$, is equal to UTS
- failure at intermediate values of mean stress is assumed to be given by the dotted line
- in order to avoid yield of whole cross-section of component, maximum nominal stress must be less
than the yield stress, $S_y$:
$$S_m + S_a < S_y$$
## Safety Factor, $F$
- determined from the position of the point relative to the safe/fail boundary:
$$\frac1F = \frac{S_aK_f}{S_e} + \frac{S_m}{S_u}$$
$$F = \frac{OB}{OA}$$
from similar triangles we get
$$\frac{S_a}{\frac{S_u}{F} - S_m} = \frac{S_e}{K_fS_u}$$
# Failure Examples
## Bicycle Crank Arm


## D.H.-106 Comet Failure
- 1st production jet liner (debut in 1952)
- several crashed in 1954 led to an inquiry
- water tank testing and examination of a recovered fuselage showed that failure originated at a
square corner window
- future designs used oval windows


# Glossary (of Symbols)
- notch stress concentration factor, $K_f$
- stress concentration factor, $K_t$
- alternating stress, $S_a$
- fatigue strength, $S_e$ --- hypothetical value of stress range at failure for exactly $N$ cycles
- mean stress, $S_m$
- ultimate tensile stress, $S_u$
- yield strength, $S_y$