add notes on integration
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@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ There may be more than one $y$ value for each $x$ value.
# Differentation
# Differentiation
The derivative of the function $f(x)$ is denoted by:
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ $$f'(a) = 0 \text{ and } f''(a) = 0 \text { and } f'''(a) \ne 0$$

# Taylor series
# Approximating with the Taylor series
The expansion
@ -445,3 +445,331 @@ $$f(x) = f(a) + \frac 1 2 f''(a)(x-a)^2 + \cdots$$
have a maximum
- If $f''(a) = 0$ then we must include a higer order terms to determine what happens
have a minimum
# Integration
Integration is the reverse of [differentiation](#differentiation).
Take velocity and displacement as an example:
$$\int\! v \mathrm dt = s + c$$
where $c$ is the constant of integration, which is required for
[indefinite integrals](#indefinite-integrals).A
## Definite Integrals
The definite integral of a function $f(x)$ in the range $a \le x \le b$ is denoted be:
$$\int^b_a \! f(x) \,\mathrm dx$$
If $f(x) = F'(x)$ ($f(x)$ is the derivative of $F(x)$) then
$$\int^b_a \! f(x) \,\mathrm dx = \left[F(x)\right]^b_a = F(b) - F(a)$$
## Area and Integration
Approximate the area under a smooth curve using a large number of narrow rectangles.

Area under curve $\approx \sum_{n} f(x_n)\Delta x_n$.
As the rectangles get more numerous and narrow, the approximation approaches the real area.
The limiting value is denoted
$$\approx \sum_{n} f(x_n)\Delta x_n \rightarrow \int^b_a\! f(x) \mathrm dx$$
This explains the notation used for integrals.
#### Example 1
Calculate the area between these two curves:
y &= f_1(x) = 2 - x^2 \\
y &= f_2(x) = x

1. Find the crossing points $P$ and $Q$
f_1(x) &= f_2(x) \\
x &= 2-x^2 \\
x &= 1 \\
x &= -2
2. Since $f_1(x) \ge f_2(x)$ between $P$ and $Q$
A &= \int^1_{-2}\! (f_1(x) - f_2(x)) \mathrm dx \\
&= \int^1_{-2}\! (2 - x^2 - x) \mathrm dx \\
&= \left[ 2x - \frac 13 x^3 - \frac 12 x^2 \right]^1_{-2} \\
&= \left(2 - \frac 13 - \frac 12 \right) - \left( -4 + \frac 83 - \frac 42 \right) \\
&= \frac 92
## Techniques for Integration
Integration requires multiple techniques and methods to do correctly because it is a PITA.
These are best explained by examples so try to follow those rather than expect and explanation.
### Integration by Substitution
Integration but substitution lets us integrate functions of functions.
#### Example 1
$$I = \int\!(5x - 1)^3 \mathrm dx$$
1. Let $w(x) = 5x - 1$
\frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dx} w &= 5 \\
\frac 15 \mathrm dw &= \mathrm dx
3. The integral is then
I &= \int\! w^3 \frac 15 \mathrm dw \\
&= \frac 15 \cdot \frac 14 \cdot w^4 + c \\
&= \frac{1}{20}w^4 + c
4. Finally substitute $w$ out
$$I = \frac{(5x-1)^4}{20} + c$$
#### Example 2
$$I = \int\! \cos x \sqrt{\sin x + 1} \mathrm dx$$
1. Let
$$w(x) = \sin x + 1$$
2. Then
\frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dx} w = \cos x \\
\mathrm dw = \cos x \mathrm dx \\
3. The integral is now
I &= \int\! \sqrt w \,\mathrm dw \\
&= \int\! w^{\frac12} \,\mathrm dw \\
&= \frac23w^{\frac32} + c
4. Finally substitute $w$ out to get:
$$I = \frac23 (\sin x + 1)^{\frac32} + c$$
#### Example 3
$$I = \int^{\frac\pi2}_0\! \cos x \sqrt{\sin x + 1} \,\mathrm dx$$
1. Use the previous example to get to
$$I = \int^2_1\! \sqrt w \,\mathrm dw = \frac23w^{\frac32} + c$$
2. Since $w(x) = \sin x + 1$ the limits are:
x = 0 &\rightarrow w = 1\\
x = \frac\pi2 &\rightarrow w = 2
3. This gives us
$$I = \left[ \frac23w^{\frac32} \right]^2_1 = \frac23 (2^{\frac23} = 1)$$
#### Example 4
$$I = \int^1_0\! \sqrt{1 - x^2} \,\mathrm dx$$
1. Try a trigonmetrical substitution:
x &= \sin w \\
\frac{\mathrm dx}{\mathrm dw} = \cos w \\
\mathrm dx = \cos 2 \,\mathrm dw \\
x=0 &\rightarrow w=0 \\
x=1 &\rightarrow w=\frac\pi2
3. Therefore
I &= \int^{\frac\pi2}_0\! \sqrt{1 - \sin^2 w} \cos w \,\mathrm dw \\
&= \int^{\frac\pi2}_0\! \cos^w w \,\mathrm dw
But $\cos(2w) = 2\cos^2w - 1$ so:
$$\cos^2w = \frac12 \cos(2w) + \frac12$$
I &= \int^{\frac\pi2}_0\! \frac12 \cos(2w) + \frac12 \,\mathrm dw \\
&= \left[ \frac14 \sin(2w) + \frac w2 \right]^{\frac\pi2}_0 \\
&= \left( \frac14 \sin\pi + \frac\pi4 \right) - 0 \\
&= \frac\pi4
### Integration by Parts
$$uv = \int\! u\frac{\mathrm dv}{\mathrm dx} \,\mathrm dx + \int\! \frac{\mathrm du}{\mathrm dx}v \,\mathrm dx$$
$$\int\! u\frac{\mathrm dv}{\mathrm dx} \,\mathrm dx = uv - \int\! \frac{\mathrm du}{\mathrm dx}v \,\mathrm dx$$
This technique is derived from integrating the product rule.
#### Example 1
$$I = \int\! \ln x \,\mathrm dx$$
1. Use
$$\int\! u\frac{\mathrm dv}{\mathrm dx} \,\mathrm dx = uv - \int\! \frac{\mathrm du}{\mathrm dx}v \,\mathrm dx$$
2. Set $u = \ln x$
and $v' = 1$.
3. This means that $u' = \frac1x$ and $v = x$.
I &= x\ln x - \int\! x\cdot\frac1x \,\mathrm dx + c \\
&= x\ln x - \int\! \,\mathrm dx + c \\
&= x\ln x - x + c \\
# Application of Integration
## Differential Equations
Consider the equation
$$\frac{\mathrm dy}{\mathrm dx} = y^2$$
To find $y$, is not a straightforward integration:
$$y = \int\!y^2 \,\mathrm dx$$
The equation above does not solve for $y$ as we can't integrate the right until we know $y$...
which is what we're trying to find.
This is an example of a first order differential equation.
The general form is:
$$\frac{\mathrm dy}{\mathrm dx} = F(x, y)$$
### Separable Differential Equations
A first order diferential equation is called *separable* if it is of the form
$$\frac{\mathrm dy}{\mathrm dx} = f(x)g(y)$$
We can solve these by rearranging:
$$\frac1{g(y} \cdot \frac{\mathrm dy}{\mathrm dx} = f(x)$$
$$\int\! \frac1{g(y)} \,\mathrm dy = \int\! f(x) \,\mathrm dx + c$$
#### Example 1
Find $y$ such that
$$\frac{\mathrm dy}{\mathrm dx} = ky$$
where $k$ is a constant.
Rearrange to get
\int\! \frac1y \,\mathrm dy &= \int\! k \mathrm dx + c \\
\ln y &= kx + c
y &= e^{kx + c} = e^ce^{kx} \\
&= Ae^{kx}
where $A = e^c$ is an arbitrary constant.
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