mmme1029 Notes on the crystallisation of materials
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@ -771,3 +771,134 @@ of heat and electricity (they are insulators).
Polymer foams are even better insulators because they have holes which lowers their density.
# Chemical Bonding of Materials
Chemical bonds are what holds a material together in solid state.
There are 5 main types of bonds:
Type | Dissociation energy
-------- | -------------------
Ionic | 600 to 1500
Covalent | 300 to 1200
Metallic | 100 to 800
Hydrogen | 4 to 23
vdw | 0.4 to 4
The dissociation energy is the energy required to break the bond, or the strength of the bond.
## Materials and their Properties and Bonding
### Ceramics and Glasses
Ceramics and glasses are composed of mixed ionic and covalent bonding.
Their strong and rigid bonds have no ability to slide past each other.
This makes the materials brittle.
### Metals
Metals are based on metallic bonding (woah).
This type of bonding *does* allow for ions to slide past each other, making metals ductile.
### Polymers
Polymer chains made of C-C covalent bonds are strong, like those found in ceramics.
However, in thermoplastics polymers, the materials can yield by having the chains untangle and
then align, as the chains slide past each other.
This means that **stronger bonds between polymer chains means a higher yield stress in thermoplastic
# Crystallisation of Materials
## Atomic Arrangement
- No order
- Short range order
Silica glasses have short range order on the atomic scale.
They are composed of regular SiO$_4$ units which all have the same bond length and bond angles.
However, these units bond together irregularly, which results in different length chemical bonds
and angles between the units, meaning they do not have any long range order.
- Long range order
## Cubic Unit Cells
- Lattice Parameter --- One side of a unit cell
The lattice parameter can be different for each side of a cell.
- Simple cubic unit (SC):

Lattice Parameter = 2r
- Face centred cubic (FCC)

- Body centred cubic (BCC)

### Packing Factor
$$\text{packing factor} = \frac{\text{ions per unit cell} \times V_{ion}}{V_{cell}}$$
### Theoretical Density
$$\text{theoretical density} = \frac{\text{ions per unit cell} \times m_{ion}}{V_{cell}}$$
### Polymorphism
Example of a polymorphic solid-state phase transfomration of iron at 1185 K and 1 atm:
$$\text{Fe}_{\text{BCC}} \longleftrightarrow \text{Fe}_{\text{FCC}}$$
Below 1185 K and at 1 atm, only BCC exists. Above 1185 K and at 1 atm, only FCC exists.
### Points, Directions, Planes in a Cubic Unit Cell

### Slip Systems in Metals
Metal ions lying in close-packed planes and directions move more easily, increasing ductility.
The combination of a close packed plane and direction is called a *slip system*.
A close packed direction is where ions touch all the way along the direction.
A close packed plane is where ions touch all the way on a plane.
FCC metal ductility is mainly controlled by the *(111) slip plane*

## X-Ray Diffraction (Bragg's Law)
The wavelength of x-rays, $\lambda$, is roughly equal to the distance, $d$, between atom/ion layers.
This allows x-rays to probe for $d$ via Bragg's Equation:

Requirements for the x-rays:
- Monochromatic
- Coherent (phase difference of $2\pi n$ where n is any integer)
- Parallel with each other
The incoming x-rays 1 and 2 strike the rows of ions in the crystal and are diffracted, which can be
considered reflection at the atomic level.
The angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection.
The outgoing x-rays 1 and 2 are coherent only if the extra path travelled by ray 2, $2d\sin\theta$
is any multiple, $n$, of $\lambda$. Or:
$$n\lambda = 2d\sin\theta$$
This is Bragg's Law.
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