author: Akbar Rahman
date: \today
title: MMME2051 // Digital Electronics
tags: [ digital, serial, parallel, encoders, shaft_encoders ]
uuid: 7d355a2f-68c7-4352-a164-7d51006ca137
lecture_slides: [ ./lecture_slides/MMME2051EMD_Lecture4.pdf, ./lecture_slides/MMME2051EMD_Lecture5.pdf ]
lecture_notes: []
exercise_sheets: [ ./exercise_sheets/Exercise Sheet 6 - Digital Electonics 1.pdf, ./exercise_sheets/Exercise Sheet 7 - Digital Electonics 2.pdf ]


# Errata


## Lecture Slides 5, p56

1. The graph showing values of $O_1$, $O_2$, and $O_3$ are incorrect:

  - $O_3$ should stay low throughout
  - $O_2$ should stay low until after the fourth pulse
  - $O_1$ should be low until the third pulse, high between third and fourth, and then go back to low

2. There is no mention that $O_4$ is the most significant bit and $O_1$ the least.

## Lecture Slides 5, p62-91

1. The title should be *Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)*


# Shaft Encoder

A shaft encoder can provide angular position, angular speed, and direction.

![A simple shaft encoder which can only detect speed by using a light source and a light dependent resistor.](./images/vimscrot-2023-03-02T11:20:42,254588604+00:00.png)

![A motor position encoder provides the angle of the shaft, allowing the angular velocity to be calculated.](./images/vimscrot-2023-03-02T11:21:28,818484079+00:00.png)

![An incremental shaft encoder has a pulse Z which gives speed and outputs A and B can be used to detect the direction of rotation as the pulses are phase shited by a quarter cycle.](./images/vimscrot-2023-03-02T11:23:18,428027299+00:00.png)

# Memory in Computers

An OR gate can be used to create a *latch* which will stay high until it is reset:



## Set/Reset Latch


An equivalent circuit can be built by replacing the NOR gates with NAND gates and taking NOTing the
inputs before applying them (lecture 5 slides, p27).

## Enabling a Latch

![The outputs of this circuit will remain constant while E is low.](./images/vimscrot-2023-03-02T11:33:17,227770085+00:00.png)

## Delay Gated Latch


This latch allows memory to be set/reset without having a reset line.

# Clock

A clock signal is a square waveform.
The higher the frequency of the signal, the faster processing can happen.
One step of processing is expected to happen per clock pulse.
A clock pulse is usually considered to be its rising edge:

![A clock pulse with the rising edge highlighted in blue and the falling edge in red.](./images/vimscrot-2023-03-02T11:52:38,262923088+00:00.png)

## JK Flip-Flop

Flip-flops differ from latches mainly by the fact
they are edge triggered (triggered by the edge of the clock pulse, rather than by change in input signals).

$$Q_\text{next} = J \bar Q + \bar K Q$$

Clock | J | K | $Q_\text{next}$ | $\bar Q_\text{next}$
----- | --- | --- | --- | ---
0 $\rightarrow$ 1 | 0 | 0 | $Q$ | $\bar Q$
0 $\rightarrow$ 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1
0 $\rightarrow$ 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0
0 $\rightarrow$ 1 | 1 | 1 | $\bar Q$ | $Q$


## Serial to Parallel Conversion with JK Flip-Flops

There are [errors](#errata) in lecture slides relating to this section.


# Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)

![A 4-bit DAC](./images/vimscrot-2023-03-02T12:30:58,854924598+00:00.png)

$V_\text{out}$ can be expressed as the following:

$$V_\text{out} = \sum D_n\frac{1}{2^n}V_\text{max}$$

where $D_n$ is 1 for an high input and 0 for a low input.

The lecture slides go through the circuitry step by step (lecture 5, p62-91).

# Comparator


If the positive input is larger than the negative, the output is high.

# Analog Digital Converter (ADC)


Explanation in lecture slides (lecture 5, p93-94) and on flash converters (lecture 5, p95).