author: Akbar Rahman
date: \today
title: MMME2047 // Gas Mixtures and Combustion
tags: [ combution, gas_mixtures ]
uuid: 5ed55ce0-e6b1-423c-90ac-96e1c8cbe43f
lecture_slides: [ ./lecture_slides/Combustion-chemistry2022-2023.pptx, ./lecture_slides/Combustion-chemistry2-2022-2023.pptx, ./lecture_slides/CombustionSeminar2.pptx ]
lecture_notes: [ ./lecture_notes/combustion22-23.pdf, ./lecture_notes/Combustion2-2022-2023.pdf ]
exercise_sheets: [ ./exercise_sheets/Questions about gas mixtures.docx ]

# Law of Partial _____

Given that there are $i$ gas components completely mixed and occupying a
volume $V$ at temperature $T$.

## Pressure

$$p = \sum_i p_i$$

given that the volume $p$ and all $p_i$ are acting in are equal.

## Internal Energy

$$U = \sum_i U_i$$

## Volumes

$$V = \sum_i V_i$$

given that the pressures of $V$ and all values of $V_i$ are equal.

This is useful as $V \propto n$ meaning that we can use volumes to
achieve stoichiometric (ideal) mixtures of gases for combustion reactions.

# Avogadro's Number and the Mole

Avogadro's Number is roughly $6.022\times10^{23}$.
The mass in grams of this many particles of an element is pretty much equal to:

- its atomic mass number
- the number of nucleons in the nucleus