/* Copyright 2015-2016 Jack Humbert * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef KEYMAP_SPANISH_H #define KEYMAP_SPANISH_H #include "keymap.h" // Alt gr #define ALGR(kc) RALT(kc) #define NO_ALGR KC_RALT // Normal characters #define ES_OVRR KC_GRV #define ES_APOS KC_MINS #define ES_IEXL KC_EQL #define ES_GRV KC_LBRC #define ES_PLUS KC_RBRC #define ES_NTIL KC_SCLN #define ES_ACUT KC_QUOT #define ES_CCED KC_NUHS #define ES_LESS KC_NUBS #define ES_MINS KC_SLSH // Shifted characters #define ES_ASML LSFT(ES_OVRR) #define ES_QUOT LSFT(KC_2) #define ES_OVDT LSFT(KC_3) #define ES_AMPR LSFT(KC_6) #define ES_SLSH LSFT(KC_7) #define ES_LPRN LSFT(KC_8) #define ES_RPRN LSFT(KC_9) #define ES_EQL LSFT(KC_0) #define ES_QUES LSFT(ES_APOS) #define ES_IQUE LSFT(ES_IEXL) #define ES_CIRC LSFT(ES_GRV) #define ES_ASTR LSFT(ES_PLUS) #define ES_UMLT LSFT(ES_GRV) #define ES_GRTR LSFT(ES_LESS) #define ES_SCLN LSFT(ES_COMM) #define ES_COLN LSFT(ES_DOT) #define ES_UNDS LSFT(ES_MINS) // Alt Gr-ed characters #define ES_BSLS ALGR(ES_OVRR) #define ES_PIPE ALGR(KC_1) #define ES_AT ALGR(KC_2) #define ES_HASH ALGR(KC_3) #define ES_TILD ALGR(ES_NTIL) #define ES_EURO ALGR(KC_5) #define ES_NOT ALGR(KC_6) #define ES_LBRC ALGR(ES_GRV) #define ES_RBRC ALGR(ES_PLUS) #define ES_LCBR ALGR(ES_ACUT) #define ES_RCRB ALGR(ES_CCED) #endif