/* * DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE * Version 2, December 2004 * * Copyright (C) 2019 4sStylZ <4sstylz@protonmail.ch> * * Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified * copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long * as the name is changed. * * DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE * TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION * * 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. */ #include QMK_KEYBOARD_H /** * Macro for selecting all the text in the document. * Usual shortcut : Ctrl+A. * * @param keyrecord_t *record * * @return void */ void select_all(keyrecord_t *record) { if (record->event.pressed) { register_code(KC_LCTL); tap_code(KC_A); unregister_code(KC_LCTL); } } /** * Macro for selecting the current row. * * @param keyrecord_t *record * * @return void */ void select_row(keyrecord_t *record) { if (record->event.pressed) { tap_code(KC_HOME); register_code(KC_LSFT); tap_code(KC_END); unregister_code(KC_LSFT); } } /** * Macro for selecting the current word. * Usage : You need to have the cursor into the word or directly at the right. * * * Usual shortcut : Ctrl+A. * * @param keyrecord_t *record * * @return void */ void select_word(keyrecord_t *record) { if (record->event.pressed) { register_code(KC_LCTL); tap_code(KC_LEFT); register_code(KC_LSFT); tap_code(KC_RIGHT); unregister_code(KC_LSFT); unregister_code(KC_LCTL); } } /** * Macro for inserting two 0 with keypad. * Be carefull to have the keypad lock enabled * * @param keyrecord_t *record * * @return void */ void insert_00(keyrecord_t *record) { if (record->event.pressed) { tap_code(KC_P0); tap_code(KC_P0); } }