/* Copyright 2018 Jack Humbert * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "twi2c.h" #include #include #include "chprintf.h" #include "memstreams.h" #include "printf.h" #include "matrix.h" #ifdef I2C_SLAVE_ENABLE #include "hal_i2cslave.h" /** * I2C slave test routine. * * To use: Add file to a project, call startComms() with the address of a serial stream * * There are two different responses: * a) A read-only transaction - returns the "Initial Reply" message * b) A write then read transaction - calls a message processor and returns the generated reply. * Stretches clock until reply available. */ // static const I2CConfig masterI2CConfig = { // 400000 // }; I2CSlaveMsgCB twi2c_incoming_message_process, twi2c_catch_error, twi2c_clear_after_send; #endif static uint8_t twi2c_address; static const I2CConfig i2cconfig = { STM32_TIMINGR_PRESC(15U) | STM32_TIMINGR_SCLDEL(4U) | STM32_TIMINGR_SDADEL(2U) | STM32_TIMINGR_SCLH(15U) | STM32_TIMINGR_SCLL(21U), 0, 0 }; char initialReplyBody[50] = "Initial reply"; // 'Status' response if read without preceding write uint32_t messageCounter = 0; /* Counts number of messages received to return as part of response */ uint8_t rxBody[2]; /* stores last message master sent us (intentionally a few bytes smaller than txBody) */ uint8_t txBody[MATRIX_ROWS/2]; /* Return message buffer for computed replies */ BaseSequentialStream *chp = NULL; // Used for serial logging #ifdef I2C_SLAVE_ENABLE // Handler when something sent to us const I2CSlaveMsg echoRx = { sizeof(rxBody), /* max sizeof received msg body */ rxBody, /* body of received msg */ NULL, /* do nothing on address match */ twi2c_slave_message_process, /* Routine to process received messages */ twi2c_catch_error /* Error hook */ }; // // 'Empty' reply when nothing to say, and no message received. In RAM, to allow update I2CSlaveMsg initialReply = { sizeof(initialReplyBody), /* trailing zero byte will be repeated as needed */ (uint8_t *)initialReplyBody, NULL, /* do nothing on address match */ NULL, /* do nothing after reply sent */ twi2c_catch_error /* Error hook */ }; // // 'Empty' reply when nothing to say, and no message received. In RAM, to allow update // I2CSlaveMsg initialReply = // { // 0, /* trailing zero byte will be repeated as needed */ // NULL, // NULL, /* do nothing on address match */ // NULL, /* do nothing after reply sent */ // twi2c_catch_error /* Error hook */ // }; // Response to received messages I2CSlaveMsg echoReply = { /* this is in RAM so size may be updated */ MATRIX_ROWS / 2, /* filled in with the length of the message to send */ txBody, /* Response message */ NULL, /* do nothing special on address match */ twi2c_clear_after_send, /* Clear receive buffer once replied */ twi2c_catch_error /* Error hook */ }; /** * Track I2C errors */ uint8_t gotI2cError = 0; uint32_t lastI2cErrorFlags = 0; // Called from ISR to log error void noteI2cError(uint32_t flags) { lastI2cErrorFlags = flags; gotI2cError = 1; } /** * Generic error handler * * Called in interrupt context, so need to watch what we do */ void twi2c_catch_error(I2CDriver *i2cp) { noteI2cError(i2cp->errors); } extern void matrix_copy(matrix_row_t * copy); const char hexString[16] = "0123456789abcdef"; /** * Message processor - looks at received message, determines reply as quickly as possible * * Responds with the value of the messageCounter (in hex), followed by the received message in [..] * * Note: Called in interrupt context, so need to be quick! */ void twi2c_slave_message_process(I2CDriver *i2cp) { // size_t len = i2cSlaveBytes(i2cp); // Number of bytes received // memset(txBody, 0, MATRIX_ROWS / 2 * sizeof(matrix_row_t)); matrix_copy(txBody); echoReply.size = MATRIX_ROWS / 2; i2cSlaveReplyI(i2cp, &echoReply); } /** * Callback after sending of response complete - restores default reply in case polled */ void twi2c_clear_after_send(I2CDriver *i2cp) { // echoReply.size = 0; // Clear receive message // i2cSlaveReplyI(i2cp, &initialReply); } /** * Start the I2C Slave port to accept comms from master CPU * * We then go into a loop checking for errors, and never return */ void twi2c_slave_init(twi2c_message_received * cb, uint8_t address) { twi2c_init(); i2cStart(&I2C_DRIVER, &i2cconfig); #if HAL_USE_I2C_SLAVE I2C_DRIVER.slaveTimeout = MS2ST(100); // Time for complete message #endif // i2cSlaveConfigure(&I2C_DRIVER, &echoRx, &initialReply); memset(txBody, 0, MATRIX_ROWS / 2 * sizeof(matrix_row_t)); i2cSlaveConfigure(&I2C_DRIVER, &echoRx, &echoReply); // Enable match address after everything else set up i2cMatchAddress(&I2C_DRIVER, address/2); // i2cMatchAddress(&I2C_DRIVER, myOtherI2Caddress/2); // i2cMatchAddress(&I2C_DRIVER, 0); /* "all call" */ printf("Slave I2C started\n\r"); } void twi2c_slave_task(void) { if (gotI2cError) { gotI2cError = 0; printf("I2cError: %04x\r\n", lastI2cErrorFlags); } } #endif uint8_t twi2c_start(uint8_t address) { twi2c_address = address; i2cStart(&I2C_DRIVER, &i2cconfig); return 0; } void twi2c_init(void) { palSetGroupMode(GPIOB,6,7, PAL_MODE_INPUT); // Try releasing special pins for a short time chThdSleepMilliseconds(10); palSetPadMode(GPIOB, 6, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(4) | PAL_STM32_OTYPE_OPENDRAIN | PAL_STM32_PUPDR_PULLUP); palSetPadMode(GPIOB, 7, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(4) | PAL_STM32_OTYPE_OPENDRAIN | PAL_STM32_PUPDR_PULLUP); // try high drive (from kiibohd) // I2C_DRIVER.i2c->C2 |= I2Cx_C2_HDRS; // try glitch fixing (from kiibohd) // I2C_DRIVER.i2c->FLT = 4; } uint8_t twi2c_write(uint8_t data) { return i2cMasterTransmitTimeout(&I2C_DRIVER, twi2c_address/2, &data, 1, 0, 0, MS2ST(100)); } uint8_t twi2c_transmit(uint8_t address, uint8_t* data, uint16_t length) { twi2c_address = address; i2cStart(&I2C_DRIVER, &i2cconfig); return i2cMasterTransmitTimeout(&I2C_DRIVER, twi2c_address/2, data, length, 0, 0, MS2ST(100)); } uint8_t twi2c_incoming_body[512]; uint8_t twi2c_outgoing_body[512]; // Response to received messages I2CSlaveMsg twi2c_incoming_message = { sizeof(twi2c_incoming_body), twi2c_incoming_body, NULL, twi2c_incoming_message_process, twi2c_catch_error /* Error hook */ }; void twi2c_incoming_message_process(I2CDriver *i2cp) { size_t len = i2cSlaveBytes(i2cp); twi2c_message_received_callback(twi2c_incoming_body, len); } // Response to received messages I2CSlaveMsg twi2c_outgoing_message = { /* this is in RAM so size may be updated */ sizeof(twi2c_outgoing_body), /* filled in with the length of the message to send */ twi2c_outgoing_body, NULL, twi2c_clear_after_send, twi2c_catch_error /* Error hook */ }; uint8_t twi2c_reply(uint8_t * data, uint16_t length) { twi2c_outgoing_body = data; twi2c_outgoing_message.size = length; i2cSlaveReplyI(i2cp, &twi2c_outgoing_message); } uint8_t twi2c_transmit_receive(uint8_t address, uint8_t * tx_body, uint16_t tx_length, uint8_t rx_body, uint16_t rx_length) { return i2cMasterTransmitTimeout(&I2C_DRIVER, address/2, tx_body, tx_length, rx_body, rx_length, MS2ST(100)); } uint8_t twi2c_start_listening(uint8_t address, twi2c_message_received callback) { twi2c_message_received_callback = callback; i2cStart(&I2C_DRIVER, &i2cconfig); I2C_DRIVER.slaveTimeout = MS2ST(100); i2cSlaveConfigure(&I2C_DRIVER, &twi2c_incoming_message, &twi2c_outgoing_message); i2cMatchAddress(&I2C_DRIVER, address/2); return 0; }