# Roman's Layout There is only one layer based on [Norman layout](https://normanlayout.info/). Looking for multiple-layer layouts? - [Symbols, arrows, plover, HJKL arrows](../romanzolotarev-norman-plover-osx-hjkl/) - [Same with IJKL arrows](../romanzolotarev-norman-plover-osx/) [](http://www.keyboard-layout-editor.com/#/gists/9e89d54f1ea6eeeb7dab1b2d19d28195) ## Functional Keys - Tap `F1` to mute microphone via [Shush](http://mizage.com/shush/). - Tap `F2` to copy screenshot to the clipboard. - Hold `SHIFT` and tap `F2` to save screenshot as a file. - Tap `F3`, `F4`, `F5`, `F6` to resize a window via [Divvy](http://mizage.com/divvy/). ## CTRL/ESC CTRL and ESC are frequently used in Vim. - Tap `CTRL/ESC` to send `ESC`. - Hold `CTRL/ESC` to use as `CTRL`. ## Activate N-rollover - Hold left `SHIFT` and right `SHIRT` and then tap `N`.