This repository has been archived on 2025-01-28. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
Felix Uhl 911cc68325 Added all original S60-X keymaps
All keymaps that were included in VinnyCordeiro's repository were ported to QMK.
Main Readme was copied over from VC's repo, slightly altered.
Main Makefile was updated to reflect VC's original configuration.
Small changes in felix keymap.
2016-08-14 00:41:09 +02:00
2016-08-14 00:41:09 +02:00
2016-08-11 21:49:10 +02:00
2016-08-14 00:41:09 +02:00
2016-08-14 00:41:09 +02:00
2016-08-14 00:41:09 +02:00

S60-x keyboard firmware

DIY compact keyboard designed by VinnyCordeiro for Sentraq. Most of the keymaps are based on GH60 code. This is a port from TMK to QMK based on the original S60-X Repo.

S60X Resources

Quantum MK Firmware

For the full Quantum feature list, see the parent


Several versions of keymaps are available in advance but you are recommended to define your favorite layout yourself. To define your own keymap create file named keymap_<name>.c and see keymap document (you can find in top and existent keymap files.

To build firmware binary hex file with a certain keymap just run make with the keymap option like:

$ make keymap=[custom|poker|poker_set|poker_bit|plain|hasu|spacefn|hhkb|<name>]

File contains pre-compiled firmwares for all keymaps available. Not all of them are tested.

Flashing your keyboard

The recommended programs for flashing your keyboard are Atmel FLIP (Windows) and dfu-programmer (Linux/Windows).

QMK Firmware Flasher may work, as the S60-X keyboard uses the ATMega32U4 microcontroller, but it is untested. Use at your own risk.

Easy AVR USB Keyboard Firmware also supports S60-X, but it is completely unrelated to TMK firmware. Use at your own risk.

Programming the firmware (Windows)

  1. download and install FLIP (
  2. connect the keyboard, press the program button (S1) and wait until it enumerates
  3. go to device manager, find the atmega32u4 chip and click "update driver"
  4. choose location manually: folder named "usb" inside the installation directory of FLIP
  5. once the driver is installed, run flip
  6. Device -> Select: choose ATMega32U4
  7. Settings -> Communication -> USB, FLIP should show the signature at this point (58 1E 95 87)
  8. File -> Load HEX file: choose the hex firmware: .hex
  9. click "Run"
  10. after programming is done, disconnect the device from USB and connect again.

Programming the firmware (Linux)

  1. Download and install/compile/unpack dfu-programmer from
  2. Issue the following commands in the command prompt after connecting the device and pressing the programming button (S1). You may need root permissions or udev rules to do that.
  3. sudo dfu-programmer atmega32u4 erase
  4. sudo dfu-programmer atmega32u4 flash <firmware>.hex
  5. sudo dfu-programmer atmega32u4 start
  6. The keyboard should start working. If it doesn't, reconnect the cable.

0 Initial explanations

The █████ blocks on the layouts hides the switch positions that do not exist physically on the PCB. If you feel like hacking the keyboard and adding new keys, those are the positions that can be used. You'll have to modify the keymap_common.h file for that.

The ▒▒▒▒▒ blocks hides switch positions not used on this particular layout, but they do exist on the PCB.

There is no LED support on the PCB at the moment, but I'll let the code for that untouched.

1 Standard - ANSI

The standard keymap is the one that is pre-flashed on the S60-X.

1.0 Default layer

│ ESC │  1  │  2  │  3  │  4  │  5  │  6  │  7  │  8  │  9  │  0  │  -  │  =  │▒▒▒▒▒│BKSPC│
│ TAB │  Q  │  W  │  E  │  R  │  T  │  Y  │  U  │  I  │  O  │  P  │  [  │  ]  │  \  │█████│
│CAPSL│  A  │  S  │  D  │  F  │  G  │  H  │  J  │  K  │  L  │  ;  │  '  │▒▒▒▒▒│ENTER│█████│
│LSHFT│▒▒▒▒▒│  Z  │  X  │  C  │  V  │  B  │  N  │  M  │  ,  │  .  │  /  │▒▒▒▒▒│RSHFT│▒▒▒▒▒│
│LCTRL│L_GUI│L_ALT│█████│█████│█████│ SPC │█████│█████│█████│R_ALT│ FN0 │ APP │RCTRL│█████│

1.1 Fn layer

│GRAVE│ F1  │ F2  │ F3  │ F4  │ F5  │ F6  │ F7  │ F8  │ F9  │ F10 │ F11 │ F12 │▒▒▒▒▒│     │
│     │     │ Up  │     │     │     │     │     │PGUP │PGDWN│PRTSC│SCLCK│PAUSE│     │█████│
│     │Left │Down │Right│     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │▒▒▒▒▒│     │█████│
│     │▒▒▒▒▒│     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │▒▒▒▒▒│     │▒▒▒▒▒│
│     │     │     │█████│█████│█████│     │█████│█████│█████│     │     │     │     │█████│

2 Standard - ISO

The same as the standard keymap, but with additional ISO keys.

2.0 Default layer

│ ESC │  1  │  2  │  3  │  4  │  5  │  6  │  7  │  8  │  9  │  0  │  -  │  =  │▒▒▒▒▒│BKSPC│
│ TAB │  Q  │  W  │  E  │  R  │  T  │  Y  │  U  │  I  │  O  │  P  │  [  │  ]  │▒▒▒▒▒│█████│
│CAPSL│  A  │  S  │  D  │  F  │  G  │  H  │  J  │  K  │  L  │  ;  │  '  │NUHS │ENTER│█████│
│LSHFT│  \  │  Z  │  X  │  C  │  V  │  B  │  N  │  M  │  ,  │  .  │  /  │▒▒▒▒▒│RSHFT│▒▒▒▒▒│
│LCTRL│L_GUI│L_ALT│█████│█████│█████│ SPC │█████│█████│█████│R_ALT│ FN0 │ APP │RCTRL│█████│

2.1 Fn layer

│GRAVE│ F1  │ F2  │ F3  │ F4  │ F5  │ F6  │ F7  │ F8  │ F9  │ F10 │ F11 │ F12 │▒▒▒▒▒│     │
│     │     │ Up  │     │     │     │     │     │PGUP │PGDWN│PRTSC│SCLCK│PAUSE│▒▒▒▒▒│█████│
│     │Left │Down │Right│     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │█████│
│     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │▒▒▒▒▒│     │▒▒▒▒▒│
│     │     │     │█████│█████│█████│     │█████│█████│█████│     │     │     │     │█████│

3 Poker

keymap_poker.c emulates original Poker layers while both keymap_poker_bit.c and keymap_poker_set.c implements same layout in different way and they fix a minor issue of original Poker and enhance arrow keys.

Fn + Esc = `
Fn + {left, down, up, right}  = {home, pgdown, pgup, end}

3.0 Default layer

│  `  │  1  │  2  │  3  │  4  │  5  │  6  │  7  │  8  │  9  │  0  │  -  │  =  │▒▒▒▒▒│BkSpc│
│ Tab │  Q  │  W  │  E  │  R  │  T  │  Y  │  U  │  I  │  O  │  P  │  [  │  ]  │  \  │█████│
│Caps │  A  │  S  │  D  │  F  │  G  │  H  │  J  │  K  │  L  │  ;  │  '  │▒▒▒▒▒│Enter│█████│
│Shift│▒▒▒▒▒│  Z  │  X  │  C  │  V  │  B  │  N  │  M  │  ,  │  .  │  /  │▒▒▒▒▒│Shift│▒▒▒▒▒│
│Ctrl │ Gui │ Alt │█████│█████│█████│Space│█████│█████│█████│ Fn  │ Gui │ App │Ctrl │█████│

3.1 Poker Fn layer

│ Esc │ F1  │ F2  │ F3  │ F4  │ F5  │ F6  │ F7  │ F8  │ F9  │ F10 │ F11 │ F12 │▒▒▒▒▒│     │
│     │ FnQ │ Up  │     │     │     │     │     │     │ Cal │     │Home │ Ins │     │█████│
│     │Left │Down │Right│     │     │ Psc │ Slk │Pause│     │ Tsk │ End │▒▒▒▒▒│     │█████│
│     │▒▒▒▒▒│ Del │     │ Web │Mute │ VoU │ VoD │     │PgUp │PgDwn│ Del │▒▒▒▒▒│ Up  │▒▒▒▒▒│
│     │     │     │█████│█████│█████│ FnS │█████│█████│█████│ Fn  │Left │Down │Right│█████│

4. Plain

Without any Fn layer this will be useful if you want to use key remapping tool like AHK on host. See keymap_plain.c for detail.

4.0 Plain Default layer

│ Esc │  1  │  2  │  3  │  4  │  5  │  6  │  7  │  8  │  9  │  0  │  -  │  =  │▒▒▒▒▒│BkSpc│
│ Tab │  Q  │  W  │  E  │  R  │  T  │  Y  │  U  │  I  │  O  │  P  │  [  │  ]  │  \  │█████│
│Caps │  A  │  S  │  D  │  F  │  G  │  H  │  J  │  K  │  L  │  ;  │  '  │▒▒▒▒▒│Enter│█████│
│Shift│▒▒▒▒▒│  Z  │  X  │  C  │  V  │  B  │  N  │  M  │  ,  │  .  │  /  │▒▒▒▒▒│Shift│▒▒▒▒▒│
│Ctrl │ Gui │ Alt │█████│█████│█████│Space│█████│█████│█████│ Alt │ Gui │ App │Ctrl │█████│

5. Hasu

This is Hasu's favorite keymap with HHKB Fn, Vi cursor and Mousekey layer. See keymap_hasu.c for detail.

(Hasu is the creator of the TMK firmware, for those who do not know that.)

6. SpaceFN

This layout proposed by spiceBar uses space bar to change layer with using Dual role key technique. See keymap_spacefn.c and SpaceFN discussion.

6.0 Default layer

│ Esc │  1  │  2  │  3  │  4  │  5  │  6  │  7  │  8  │  9  │  0  │  -  │  =  │▒▒▒▒▒│BkSpc│
│ Tab │  Q  │  W  │  E  │  R  │  T  │  Y  │  U  │  I  │  O  │  P  │  [  │  ]  │  \  │█████│
│Caps │  A  │  S  │  D  │  F  │  G  │  H  │  J  │  K  │  L  │  ;  │  '  │▒▒▒▒▒│Enter│█████│
│Shift│▒▒▒▒▒│  Z  │  X  │  C  │  V  │  B  │  N  │  M  │  ,  │  .  │  /  │▒▒▒▒▒│Shift│▒▒▒▒▒│
│Ctrl │ Gui │ Alt │█████│█████│████ Space/Fn ███│█████│█████│ Alt │ Gui │ App │Ctrl │█████│

6.1 SpaceFN layer

│  `  │ F1  │ F2  │ F3  │ F4  │ F5  │ F6  │ F7  │ F8  │ F9  │ F10 │ F11 │ F12 │▒▒▒▒▒│ Del │
│     │     │     │     │     │     │     │Home │ Up  │ End │ Psc │ Slk │Pause│ Ins │█████│
│     │     │     │     │     │     │PgUp │Left │Down │Right│     │     │▒▒▒▒▒│     │█████│
│     │▒▒▒▒▒│     │     │     │     │Space│PgDwn│  `  │  ~  │     │     │▒▒▒▒▒│     │▒▒▒▒▒│
│     │     │     │█████│█████│█████│ Fn  │█████│█████│█████│ Alt │ Gui │ App │Ctrl │█████│


keymap_hhkb.c emulates original HHKB layers.

7.0: Default layer

│ Esc │  1  │  2  │  3  │  4  │  5  │  6  │  7  │  8  │  9  │  0  │  -  │  =  │  \  │  `  │
│ Tab │  Q  │  W  │  E  │  R  │  T  │  Y  │  U  │  I  │  O  │  P  │  [  │  ]  │BkSpc│█████│
│Ctrl │  A  │  S  │  D  │  F  │  G  │  H  │  J  │  K  │  L  │ Fn3 │  '  │▒▒▒▒▒│Enter│█████│
│Shift│▒▒▒▒▒│  Z  │  X  │  C  │  V  │  B  │  N  │  M  │  ,  │  .  │  /  │▒▒▒▒▒│Shift│ Fn  │
│▒▒▒▒▒│ Gui │ Alt │█████│█████│█████│Space│█████│█████│█████│▒▒▒▒▒│ Alt │ Gui │▒▒▒▒▒│█████│

7.1: HHKB Fn layer

│ Pwr │ F1  │ F2  │ F3  │ F4  │ F5  │ F6  │ F7  │ F8  │ F9  │ F10 │ F11 │ F12 │ Ins │ Del │
│Caps │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │ Psc │ Slk │ Pus │ Up  │     │     │█████│
│     │ VoD │ VoU │ Mut │ Ejc │     │  *  │  /  │Home │PgUp │Left │Right│▒▒▒▒▒│Enter│█████│
│     │▒▒▒▒▒│     │     │     │     │     │  +  │  -  │ End │PgDwn│Down │▒▒▒▒▒│     │     │
│▒▒▒▒▒│     │     │█████│█████│█████│     │█████│█████│█████│▒▒▒▒▒│     │     │▒▒▒▒▒│█████│

8 Custom

The custom keymap - keymap_custom.c - is where I tested all the switches, not being concerned with a specific layout or layers. It's a plain layout option with the extra keys used on ISO & HHKB layouts being assigned some other keys.

8.0 Default layer

│  `  │  1  │  2  │  3  │  4  │  5  │  6  │  7  │  8  │  9  │  0  │  -  │  =  │PgUp │BkSpc│
│ Tab │  Q  │  W  │  E  │  R  │  T  │  Y  │  U  │  I  │  O  │  P  │  [  │  ]  │  \  │█████│
│Caps │  A  │  S  │  D  │  F  │  G  │  H  │  J  │  K  │  L  │  ;  │  '  │PgDwn│Enter│█████│
│Shift│Home │  Z  │  X  │  C  │  V  │  B  │  N  │  M  │  ,  │  .  │  /  │ End │Shift│  Up │
│Ctrl │ Gui │ Alt │█████│█████│█████│Space│█████│█████│█████│ Alt │ Gui │ App │Ctrl │█████│