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Fred Sundvik 9af995c59b Initial structure for Ergodox as subprojects
Only the EZ default keymaps compiles at the moment though.
2016-07-29 20:48:04 +03:00

Ergodox Spanish Dvorak Layout

  • See spanish dvorak layout here
  • Software layout must be set to SPANISH QWERTY to work properly

Keymap Layers

  • L0: spanish dvorak with some customizations (see layout below)
  • L1: auxiliary keys (includes qwerty shortcuts, numpad...)
  • L2: qwerty layout with customizations

Keymap 0: Base layer

Keys with double values (like Esc/Ctrl) correspond to the 'tapped' key and the 'held' key, respectively

,--------------------------------------------------.           ,--------------------------------------------------.
|   \    |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |  <>  |           |   ¡  |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |   0  |   '    |
|--------+------+------+------+------+-------------|           |------+------+------+------+------+------+--------|
| F1/~L1 |   .  |   ,  |   Ñ  |   P  |   Y  |MEH_T |           |  L1  |   F  |   G  |   C  |   H  |   L  |ALL_T/+ |
|--------+------+------+------+------+------| DEL  |           | ~L1  |------+------+------+------+------+--------|
|Esc/Ctrl|   A  |   O  |   E  |   U  |   I  |------|           |------|   D  |   R  |   T  |   N  |   S  |'/RCtrl |
|--------+------+------+------+------+------| LGUI |           | RALT |------+------+------+------+------+--------|
| {/LSft |   -  |   Q  |   J  |   K  |   X  |      |           |      |   B  |   M  |   W  |   V  |   Z  | }/RSft |
'--------+------+------+------+------+-------------'           '-------------+------+------+------+------+--------'
  |[/LALT| HOME |PGDOWN| PGUP | END  |                                       | LEFT | DOWN |  UP  |RIGHT |]/LALT|
  '----------------------------------'                                       '----------------------------------'
                                       ,-------------.       ,-------------.
                                       |F5/CAG|F6/~L1|       |F7/~L1|F8/CAG|
                                ,------|------|------|       |------+--------+------.
                                |      |      |F4/CA |       |F11/CA|        |      |
                                | ENTER| TAB  |------|       |------|  BSPC  | SPACE|
                                |      |      |F3/SA |       |F12/SA|        |      |
                                '--------------------'       '----------------------'

Keymap 1: Aux layer

,--------------------------------------------------.           ,--------------------------------------------------.
|        |  F1  |  F2  |  F3  |  F4  |  F5  | SLEEP|           | PWR  |  F6  |  F7  |  F8  |  F9  |  F10 |   F11  |
|--------+------+------+------+------+-------------|           |------+------+------+------+------+------+--------|
|        |  <   |  >   | MsUp |      |      |      |           | ~L0  |      |   7  |   8  |   9  |   *  |  '^    |
|--------+------+------+------+------+------|      |           |      |------+------+------+------+------+--------|
|        |      |MsLeft|MsDown|MsRght|      |------|           |------|      |   4  |   5  |   6  |   +  |   Ç    |
|--------+------+------+------+------+------|      |           |PSCR  |------+------+------+------+------+--------|
|CAPSLOCK|      |      |      |      |      |      |           |      |      |   1  |   2  |   3  |   /  |        |
'--------+------+------+------+------+-------------'           '-------------+------+------+------+------+--------'
  |CTRL-S|CTRL-Z|CTRL-X|CTRL-C|CTRL-V|                                       |      |    . |   0  |   =  |      |
  '----------------------------------'                                       '----------------------------------'
                                       ,-------------.       ,-------------.
                                       |      |      |       |      | Play |
                                ,------|------|------|       |------+------+------.
                                |      |      |      |       | VolUp|      |      |
                                | Lclk | Rclk |------|       |------| Prev | Next |
                                |      |      |  L2  |       | VolDn|      |      |
                                '--------------------'       '--------------------'

Keymap 2: QWERTY layer

,--------------------------------------------------.           ,--------------------------------------------------.
|   \    |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |  <>  |           |   ¡  |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |   0  |   '    |
|--------+------+------+------+------+-------------|           |------+------+------+------+------+------+--------|
|  TRANS |   Q  |   W  |   E  |   R  |   T  |MEH_T |           | TRANS|   Y  |   U  |   I  |   O  |   P  |ALL_T/+ |
|--------+------+------+------+------+------| DEL  |           |      |------+------+------+------+------+--------|
|Esc/Ctrl|   A  |   S  |   D  |   F  |   G  |------|           |------|   H  |   J  |   K  |   L  |   Ñ  |'/RCtrl |
|--------+------+------+------+------+------| LGUI |           | RALT |------+------+------+------+------+--------|
| {/LSft |   Z  |   X  |   C  |   V  |   B  |      |           |      |   N  |   M  |   ,  |   .  |   -  | }/RSft |
'--------+------+------+------+------+-------------'           '-------------+------+------+------+------+--------'
  |[/LALT| HOME |PGDOWN| PGUP | END  |                                       | LEFT | DOWN |  UP  |RIGHT |]/LALT|
  '----------------------------------'                                       '----------------------------------'
                                       ,-------------.       ,-------------.
                                       |F5/CAG| TRANS|       | TRANS|F8/CAG|
                                ,------|------|------|       |------+--------+------.
                                |      |      |F4/CA |       |F11/CA|        |      |
                                | ENTER| TAB  |------|       |------|  BSPC  | SPACE|
                                |      |      | TRANS|       |F12/SA|        |      |
                                '--------------------'       '----------------------'

Generation of .hex file

Download scripts from here

Execute and scripts.

Flash with teensy_loader binary (should be installed from previous step)