#!/usr/bin/env python3 import telepot import json import time from Task import Task from telepot.loop import MessageLoop with open('config.json') as file: config = json.loads(file.read()) bot = telepot.Bot(config['token']) def on_message(msg): content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) print(content_type, chat_type, chat_id) if content_type != 'text': bot.sendMessage(chat_id, "Not a text command") return text = msg['text'] command = text.split(' ')[0].lower() arguments = text.split(' ')[1:] if command in '/add': add_task(Task(" ".join(arguments)), chat_id) elif command == '/rm': rm_tasks(arguments, chat_id) elif command == '/ls': ls_tasks(arguments, chat_id) elif command == '/do': do_tasks(arguments, chat_id) elif command == '/undo': undo_tasks(arguments, chat_id) else: add_task(text) def add_task(task, chat_id): tasks = get_tasks(chat_id) tasks.append(task) set_tasks(tasks, chat_id) def rm_task(task, chat_id): tasks = get_tasks(chat_id) tasks.remove(task) set_tasks(tasks) def rm_tasks(tasks, chat_id): for i in tasks: rm_task(i, chat_id) def get_tasks(chat_id): with open(config['tasks_file']) as file: tasks_dict = json.loads(file.read()) if chat_id is None: return tasks_dict chat_id = str(chat_id) if chat_id not in tasks_dict: tasks_dict[chat_id] = "" tasks = [] for i in tasks_dict[chat_id].split('\n'): tasks.append(Task(i)) return tasks def get_task(task_id, chat_id): return get_tasks(chat_id)[task_id] def set_tasks(tasks, chat_id): task_dict = get_tasks(None) texts = [] for i in tasks: texts.append(i.text) plaintext = "\n".join(texts) task_dict[chat_id] = plaintext with open(config['tasks_file'], 'w+') as file: file.write(json.dumps(task_dict)) def set_task(task_id, task, chat_id): tasks = get_tasks(chat_id) tasks[task_id] = task set_tasks(tasks, chat_id) def ls_tasks(arguments, chat_id): tasks = get_tasks(chat_id) counter = 0 for i in range(len(tasks)): tasks[i] = (counter, tasks[i]) counter += 1 tasks = sorted(tasks, key=lambda tup: tup[1].text) text = "Tasks:\n" for i in tasks: counter += 1 if i[1].done and "show-hidden" not in arguments: continue if i[1].done and "show-only-hidden" in arguments: continue text += str(i[0]) + " " + i[1].text + "\n" bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text) def do_tasks(task_ids, chat_id): for i in task_ids: task = get_task(int(i), chat_id) task.do() set_task(int(i), task, chat_id) def undo_tasks(task_ids, chat_id): for i in task_ids: task = get_task(int(i), chat_id) task.undo() set_task(int(i), task, chat_id) MessageLoop(bot, on_message).run_as_thread() while True: time.sleep(10)