exercise_sheets: [ ./exercise_sheets/Exercise Sheet 6 - Digital Electonics 1.pdf, ./exercise_sheets/Exercise Sheet 7 - Digital Electonics 2.pdf ]
# Errata
## Lecture Slides 5, p56
1. The graph showing values of $O_1$, $O_2$, and $O_3$ are incorrect:
- $O_3$ should stay low throughout
- $O_2$ should stay low until after the fourth pulse
- $O_1$ should be low until the third pulse, high between third and fourth, and then go back to low
2. There is no mention that $O_4$ is the most significant bit and $O_1$ the least.
## Lecture Slides 5, p62-91
1. The title should be *Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)*
# Shaft Encoder
A shaft encoder can provide angular position, angular speed, and direction.

# Memory in Computers
An OR gate can be used to create a *latch* which will stay high until it is reset: