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7.7 KiB

256k HHKB Layout:

this is my personal layer that i use on my Tina-C HHKB layout board with a DZ60 PCB.

UPDATE (4-20-2018):

after a week of using this layout i reazlied that having the ALT button on the right side and the ALTFN layer trigger on the left isn't ideal...i still wanted to change the default HHKB style CROSS arrow cluster into a reversed T cluster since im more used to that so i swapped the ALTFN layer to the right side and the normal ALT layer is back on the left side. so now i can use the arrow cluster (which i shifted one key over to the right) with 1 hand.

it feels more nataural to me this way.

also i decided to change the mouse scroll keys on the mouse layer to mouse movement keys... the scrolling wasn't working out as well as i'd hoped. again, this is merely an experimental layer just to play around with mouse control.


there is 1 base layer and 4 modifyer layers:


 * ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
 * | Esc |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  0  |  -  |  =  |  \| | ~ ` |
 * |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | Tab    |  Q  |  W  |  E  |  R  |  T  |  Y  |  U  |  I  |  O  |  P  |  [  |  ]  |    \   |
 * |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | CTRL    |  A  |  S  |  D  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  ;  |  '  |    Enter    |
 * |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | Shift     |  Z  |  X  |  C  |  V  |  B  |  N  |  M  |  ,  |  .  |  /  |  RShift   |  FN |
 * |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * |              Win  |      Alt  |            Space       |   ALTFN     |    LIGHTS        |
 * `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'


this layer is my main function layer, i changed the default HHKB function layer to suit my need and also changed the placement of the modifyer key to the left alt since i want to control the layer activation with one hand and have the other hand control the keys on that layer freely. perhaps this is due to me being left handed but it feels more natural to me this way.

*  ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |         | F1   | F2   | F3   | F4    | F5    | F6    | F7   | F8    | F9   | F10   | F11   | F12   | INSERT  |  _   |
* |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | CAPS     |   _  |   _  |   _   |    _  |    _  |    _  |    _  |    _   |    _   |  UP  |  V_DEC   |  V_INC  | DEL  |
* |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | CTRL       |   _   |   _   |   _   |   _   |   _    |   _  | HOME |   END    | LEFT | DOWN | RIGHT  |    _          |
* |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | Shift         |  _   |  _   |  _   |  _   |  _   |  _   |  _   |  PREV  |    NEXT  |  PLAY  |    _       |   _      |
* |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* |                          _    |      _     |               _               |     _      |     _                     |
* `---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'


To access this layer you need to enter the ALTFN layer first then hit ESC button which will switch to the MOUSEFN layer

this is the second hidden layer that controls the mouse scroll wheel directions. i find it's useful to have these controls on the keyboard for certain applications that require scrolling in all 4 directions (Simple example: expanding an image preview to full size that overflows outside of the default monitor size and using the scroll wheel to mouve the image around.)

also another benefit is that a lot of mice do not have horizontal control buttons for the scrolling

(This layer is still experimental so i might change it later or modify it but so far i enjoy it)

 *  ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |        |  ACC_1  |  ACC_2  |  ACC_3  |  _    |  _    |  _    |  _   |  _    |  _   |  _   |  _   |  _   | _  |  _   |
 * |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | CAPS     |   _  |   _  |   _   |    _  |    _  |    _  |    _  |    _   |  _  |  WHEEL_UP  |   _   |    _   |   _   |
 * |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | CTRL       |   _   |   _   |   _   |   _   |   _    |   _  | _ |   _    |  WH_LEFT |  WH_DOWN |  WH_RIGHT  |    _   |
 * |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | Shift         |  _   |  _   |  _   |  _   |  _   |  _   |  _   |   _    |    _    |    _    |    _       |   _      |
 * |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * |                          _    |      _     |               _               |     _      |     _                     |
 * `---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'


this is the default HHKB function layer (mostly)... I have left it there on the same button and everything for 2 reasons: 1. for backup incase i forget where something was or if it contains a button that i did not include in my ALTFN layer. 2. as a reference for anyone else.

this layer will probably get removed once i get comfortable with my ALTFN layer.


this is the basic lights layer used to control the RBG backlight on the DZ60... i have removed the 3 backlight controls since i do not use any key LED Backlight.

*  ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | RBG_MOD      |  HUE_INC |  SATURATION_INC  |  BRIGHT_INC   |  _  |  _  |  _  |  _ |  _ |  _ |  _ |  _  |  _  |  _    |
* |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | CTRL           |  HUE_DEC |  SATURATION_DEC  |  BRIGHT_DEC  |  _  |  _  |  _ |  _  |  _  |  _  |  _  |  _  |    _    |
* |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | Shift                |   _   |   _   |   _   |   _   |   _   |   _   |   _   |   _   |   _   |   _   |  _   |    _   |
* |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* |                             _    |      _     |               _               |     _      |     _                   |
* `----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'