
817 B


Upload files to a server on your local network for faster and simpler file transfers across a network.


The config file for uploadr is very simple. It should be in a class called uploadr in a file called config.py. It should be valid python and the two options needed are domain and port which are both used for the creation of QR code links. The file can also be used as the config file for gunicorn. Here is an example below:

class uploadr:
	domain = "example.com"
	port = 8005
	uploads = '/home/dannydevito/uploads' # where uploaded files will be stored
	qrcodes = '/home/dannydevito/qrcodes' # where generated qr codes will be stored

# gunicorn
bind = "" + uploadr.port


uploadr uses the following modules:

  • flask
  • qrcode
  • werkzeug